- “Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Campus Newspapers,” California Journalism Association, Sacramento, CA (August).
- “Chevron with F-310: Effects of Environmental Advertising in the Face of Public Controversy,” Association for Education in Journalism, Carbondale, IL (August).
- “Barriers to Effective News Coverage of the Environmental Crisis” (with David M. Rubin), Association for Education in Journalism, Carbondale, IL (August).
- “Environmental Policy Making: The Role of the Media” (keynote), Symposium on the Media and the Environment, Rocky Mountain Center on Environment, Midway, UT (October).
- “Mass Media and Environmental Persuasion,” Conservation Education Association, Syracuse, NY (August).
- “Telling People about Forestry” (two-day workshop), Society of American Foresters, Camp Kett, MI (October).
- In re Public Media Center and In re Public Interest Research Group (affidavits on the impact of environmental advertising and the need for Fairness Doctrine relief), Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC (March and August).
- “The Missing Link in Health Services: Reaching the Public through the Media,” American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, PA (April).
- “Using the Mass Media for Environmental Change” (four-day workshop), Northern Rockies Action Group, Helena, MT (September).
- “Designing a Public Service Advertising Campaign on Solid Waste” (one-day workshop), Environmental Action Foundation, Washington, DC (January).
- “The Swine Flu Fiasco: What We Did Wrong,” American College of Physicians, Dallas, TX (April).
- “Environmental Communication: The Nuclear Power Controversy” (three-day workshop), Environmental Action Coalition, Toledo, OH (January).
- “Medication Versus Communication: The Doctor-Patient Interaction,” American College of Physicians, Boston, MA (April).
- “Power, Sexism, and Group Process,” New Jersey Association of Extension Home Economists, Hightstown, NJ (April).
- “Nuclear and Environmental Coverage” (panel discussion), Investigative Reporters and Editors, San Mateo, CA (September).
- “La Communicación en momentos de crisis: el reportaje de un acidente nuclear” (plenary), International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico (May).
- “Building Your Membership” (two-day workshop), Northern Rockies Action Group and Colorado Open Space Council, Denver, CO (June).
- “Three Mile Island: The Default of Technical Communication” (keynote), Delaware Valley Writing Council, Philadelphia, PA (October).
- “Fighting Cancer with Words” (two-day workshop) (with Susan Sachs), American Cancer Society (New Jersey), Wildwood Crest, NJ (June).
- “More Than Publicity: Motivating Citizen Action on Toxics,” Waste Alert, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Asilomar, CA (September).
- “Doctors on TV: Mythmaking and Medicine,” College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY (October).
- “Nuclear Energy and the Media” (with Dixy Lee Ray), Capital Press Women, Washington, DC (January).
- “Promoting the Freeze Campaign,” New Jersey SANE, Cranford, NJ (January).
- “Mobilizing Citizen Support for Social Change” (two-day workshop), Northern Plains Resource Council, Billings, MT (November).
- “Coping with NIMBY: Environmental Communication in the Face of Community Distrust,” New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Trenton, NJ (August).
- “Using Media Coverage to Build the Movement: The Missing Link Between Lobbyists and Organizers,” Arms Control Lobby Retreat, Council for a Livable World, Coolfont, WV (December).
- “Recruiting and Holding Your Volunteers” (keynote), Freeze Voter ’84 State Conference, Piscataway, NJ (February).
- “Countering Children’s Sugared Food Commercials: Do Rebuttals Help?” (with Lois Kaufman), International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA (May). ERIC No. ED247633.
- “Covering Science and Environment: The Journalism of Uncertainty” (keynote), Conference on Covering Environmental Issues, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO (November).
- “Environmental Risk Reporting: A Hypothetical Scenario” (moderator), Society of Professional Journalists—Sigma Delta Chi, Piscataway, NJ (March).
- “Nuclear Weapons, Public Policy, and the Media” (with Edward Teller, Robert Manoff, and Peter Pringle), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Memphis, TN (August).
- “Communicating Risk to the Public,” National Governors’ Association, Washington, DC (October).
- “Trust and Credibility: The Central Issue” (panel) and “Risk Communication: The Case of Nuclear Power” (panel), National Conference on Risk Communication (Conservation Foundation, National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Washington, DC (January).
- “The Engineer-Reporter Interaction: How to Be a Technical Source,” National Society of Professional Engineers,“ New York, NY (September).
- “Environmental Dispute Resolution: Weighing the Alternatives” (with Richard T. Dewling and Richard J. Gimello), League of Women Voters and New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, Edison, NJ (October).
- “The Public’s Role in Risk Communication” (keynote), Workshop on the Role of Government in Health Risk Communication and Public Education, Interagency Task Force on Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease, Alexandria, VA (January).
- “Risk Communication Seminar for New England State Commissioners” (one-day workshop) (with Caron Chess and Baruch Fischhoff), Northeast Regional Environmental Public Health Center, Amherst, MA (June).
- “Underestimation and Overestimation in Radon Risk Perception” (with Neil D. Weinstein and M.L. Klotz), American Psychological Association, New York, NY (August).
- “Communicating about Risk: Dealing with Public Outrage,” Board of Directors Meeting, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Boca Raton, FL (January).
- “Addressing Community Outrage” and “Explaining Risk Numbers,” Title III Communication Workshops, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Newark, NJ, Columbus, OH, Chicago, IL, Houston, TX, New Orleans, LA, and San Francisco, CA (February-March).
- “Hazard Versus Outrage: The Case of Radon,” 1988 Symposium on Science Communication, Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (December).
- “Covering Environmental Controversies: The Hazard and the Outrage,” Investigative Reporters and Editors, Philadelphia, PA (June).
- “Radon Communication: Encouraging a Risk-Appropriate Response,” National Environmental Health Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, San Antonio, TX (June).
- “Hazard Versus Outrage: AIDS, Infectious Diseases, and Public Perception” (one-day workshop), Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA (August).
- “Risk Communication for State Health Officials” (one-day training workshop with Caron Chess), Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Newark, NJ (March) and Denver, CO (April).
- “Hazard Versus Outrage: Responding to Public Concerns about Industrial Risks” (keynote), American Industrial Hygiene Association, Orlando, FL (May).
- “Addressing Skepticism about Responsible Care®,” Chemical Manufacturers Association, New York, NY (November).
- “Apathy Versus Hysteria, Science Versus Drama: What Works in Radon Risk Communication,” 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, Philadelphia, PA (April).
- “Public Concerns about Drinking Water Quality: Toward a Proactive Communication Strategy” (two-day seminar), American Water Works Association, Chicago, IL (November).
- “Introductory Risk Communication Seminar” (one-day seminar), Australian Institute of Petroleum, Manly, NSW, Australia (December).
- “Risk Communication and Organizational Change: Helping Clients Move from Stonewalling to Dialogue,” Roy F. Weston, Inc., Philadelphia, PA (January).
- “Hazard Versus Outrage: Responding to Public Concerns about Nuclear Power Risks,” Annual Senior Executive Conference, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Timonium, MD (February).
- “Siting a Low-Level Nuclear Waste Facility: The Voluntary Approach” (half-day seminar), National Low-Level Waste Management Program, Connecticut Hazardous Waste Management Service, Windsor Locks, CT (October).
- “Acknowledgement and Accountability: The Toughest Components of Community Involvement in Environmental Protection,” American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, MA (February).
- “Communication Across Power Imbalances: Employee Relations Lessons from Risk Communication,” Shell International Petroleum Company Limited, Maastricht, The Netherlands (May).
- “Risk = Hazard Plus Outrage: Covering Both Sides of the Environmental Risk Story,” Foundation for American Communications, Columbus, OH, (September), Houston, TX (November).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Risk Communication, Controversy, and Worst Case Scenarios” (two-day seminar), The Institute Plant, Rhône-Poulenc, and West Virginia State College, Charleston, WV (April).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Responding to Silicones Controversy” (one-day seminar), Global Silicones Council, Milan, Italy (May).
- “Perception, Science, and Public Policy: The Risk Question (with John Graham),” Plenary Presentation, American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition, Anaheim, CA (May).
- “Beyond the Manual: Attitude Dimensions of Employee Safety,” Global Marine Drilling Company, Houston, TX (February).
- “Communicating Brownfield Development: The Dynamics of Outrage” (keynote presentation), The Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA (April).
- “EMF Risk Communication: What to Do When Things are Quiet,” Edison Electric Institute, Cambridge, MA (October).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Nigeria, Brent Spar, and Shell’s Response,” Public Affairs Conference, Shell International Ltd., Ascot, England (January).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Responding to Public Concerns about Risk,” Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), Chicago, IL (October).
- In re Hamburger Patty Cases (deposition on risk communication implications of 1993 Jack-in-the-Box food poisoning outbreak), Los Angeles, CA (November).
- “Hazard, Outrage, and Employee Relations: Risk Communication inside BHP Petroleum” (one-day workshop), BHP Petroleum, Darwin, NT, Australia and Perth, WA, Australia (March).
- “The PVC/Vinyl Draft Communications Plan: Sell versus Hide versus Acknowledge,” Chlorine Chemistry Council Board of Directors and Vinyl Institute Executive Board, Arlington, VA (September).
- “Is There Economic/Shareholder Value in Environmental Performance and Social Responsibility? — A Risk Communication Perspective,” Noranda, Inc., Toronto, ON (November).
- “Outrage, Hazard, and Climate Change,” American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC (January).
- “Environmental Justice and Chemical Plant Siting,” Dow Chemical Company, Washington DC (March).
- “Responding to Outrage about Chemicals: A Risk Communication Approach to Product Stewardship,” Product Stewardship Implementation Workshop, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Orlando, FL (October).
- “The Free Ride Is Over: Coping with Outrage about the Australian Minerals Industry” (keynote address), Minerals Council of Australia, Melbourne, Vic., Australia (October).
- “Coping with Chemical Outrage: Risk Communication for Responsible Care’s Second Decade” (keynote address), Responsible Care Conference, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Orlando, FL (April).
- “Risk Communication and Endocrine Disruption: The Problem Is Outrage (and Terror), Not Apathy,” Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI (August).
- “GMOs: How Can We Get Back on Course?” (with Carl Feldbaum and Fred L. Smith, Jr.), National Conference for CEOs of Ag Biotech Companies, Burrill & Company, Dana Point, CA (October).
- “Getting the Credit for Corporate Responsibility,” World Economic Forum, Private Meeting of Chief Executives from the Mining and Metals Industry, Davos, Switzerland (January).
- “Beyond Training: Psychological and Cultural Aspects of Safety” (half-day seminar), Petroleum Industry Annual Safety Seminar, Banff, Alberta, Canada (May).
- “An Outrage Approach to Reputation Management: Why Does Everyone Hate the Chemical Industry, and What Can You Do about It,” CEFIC (European Chemical Manufacturers Association), Venice, Italy (June).
- “Risk Communication about a Possible WMD Crisis: The Role of Denial,” Workshop on Human Behavior and Weapons of Mass Destruction, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and U.S. Joint Forces Command, McLean, VA (December).
- “Managing Outrage about Health Care Controversies” (one-day seminar), Novartis International AG, Basel, Switzerland (March).
- “Outrage Management and the Legal Process in Risk Controversies,” Environmental Law Committee, Philadelphia Bar Association, Philadelphia, PA (April).
- “Anthrax, Bioterrorism, and Risk Communication: Guidelines for Action,” U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA (November).
- “Responding to Outrage in Customer Relations Correspondence” (two-day seminar), B2S Corp., London, UK (November-December).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Epidemiology and Risk Communication in Mid-Controversy” (one-day seminar), Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Kansas City, MO (June).
- “Responsible Care in the Community. Been There. Done That. What’s Next?” (keynote address), Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association, Niagara on Lake, ON (June).
- “Communicating about the Risk of Bioterrorism” (half-day seminar), Minnesota Community Health Conference, Minnesota Department of Health, Brainerd, MN (September).
- “Risk Communication in Cell Tower Controversies” (half-day seminar), Mobile Telecoms Advisory Group, Federation of the Electronics Industry, London, UK (September).
- “Calming the Storm: Communicating with the Public During a Disaster” (two-day seminar), San Diego County Department of Health, San Diego, CA (June).
- “Risk Communication Fundamentals for Intelligence Analysts” (half-day seminar), Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC (August).
- “Risk Communication Recommendations for Infectious Disease Outbreaks,” World Health Organization SARS Scientific Research Advisory Committee, Geneva, Switzerland (October).
- “Outrage Management, Industrial Expansion, and First Nations” (one-day seminar), Suncor Energy, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada (December).
- “Risk Communication and Employee Outrage” (three half-day seminars), CH2M Hanford Group, Pasco WA (May).
- “National Risk Communications Workshop on Pandemic Influenza” (facilitator and presenter, two-day seminar), Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (June).
- “Communicating Risk to an Anxious Public,” Department of Homeland Security TOPOFF-3 National Seminar on Public Affairs, Silver Spring MD (October).
- “Crisis Communication: Guidelines for Action” (with Jody Lanard) (one-day seminar), World Health Organization Southeast Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India (December).
- “Pandemic Influenza Pre-Crisis Communication: Choosing the Messages,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC (March).
- “Managing Outrage about Gold Mining Controversies” (with Jody Lanard) (two one-day seminars), Newmont Mining Corp., Jakarta and Batu Hijau, Indonesia (May).
- “Risk Communication: Addressing Public Concern in Risk Controversies and Real Crises” (two-day seminar), World Health Organization European Country Officers, Bucharest, Romania (September).
- “Advising Senior Ministers on Crisis Communications,” Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada (October).
- “Communicating the Risk of Pandemic Influenza to Employees, Customers, Investors, Suppliers, and Everybody Else,” Business Planning for Pandemic Influenza: A National Summit Conference,” Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (University of Minnesota), U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis MN (February).
- “Outrage Management in Community Controversies” (three two-day seminars), Rio Tinto, Perth, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Australia (May–June).
- “Risk Communication: Responding to Stakeholder Concerns in Fire-Related (and other) Controversies” (two-day seminar), Fire & Emergency Management Division, Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, Australia (June).
- “Retooling for Risk Communication: From PR to Outrage Management,” National Public Relations, Toronto, Canada (November).
- “Internal Pandemic Communications: What to Say to Employees – and When” (with Jody Lanard), Business Preparedness for Pandemic Influenza Second National Summit, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (University of Minnesota), Orlando FL (February).
- “Why Employees and Employers Sometimes Ignore Safety When They Know Better – And What to Do About It,” ORC Worldwide Occupational Safety and Health Quarterly Meeting, Washington DC (February).
- “Crisis Communication: Talking to People about an RDD Attack,” TOPOFF-4 National Seminar on Public Information, Washington DC (April).
- “Crisis Communication Workshop” (one-day seminar) (with Jody Lanard), World Health Organization/China, Beijing, China (April).
- “Bushfire Prevention and Risk Communication: Using Precaution Advocacy to Build a Fire Prevention Constituency” (two-day seminar), Fire & Emergency Management Division, Victoria Department of Sustainability & Environment, Geelong, Vic, Australia (October).
- “Risk Communication, Outrage Management, and Oilsands Controversy” (one-day seminar), Workshop for the Minister and Senior Management, Alberta Environment, Edmonton Canada (May).
- “Climate Change Risk Communication Workshop” (one-day seminar), Victoria Environmental Protection Authority, Melbourne Australia (June).
- “Managing Vaccination Controversies … and Trying Harder Not to Provoke Them” (one-day seminar), National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta GA (September).
- “Managing Biolab Controversy” (two-day seminar), National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, Boston Medical Center/Boston University Medical Campus, Boston MA (October).
- “Marcellus Shale Gas Development and Outrage Management” (one-day seminar), Fortuna Energy Inc., Horseheads NY (December).
- “Alerting, Reassuring, Guiding: Three Risk Communication Toolkits for EH&S Professionals” (with Jody Lanard) (two-day seminar), School of Environmental Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada (March).
- “Outrage Management in Public Participation: When Stakeholders Are Upset” (two-day seminar), International Association for Public Participation and Booz Allen Hamilton, McLean VA (June).
- “Risk Communication and Stakeholder Outrage Management in Military Readiness Controversies” (one-day seminar), 2009 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference, U.S. Department of Defense, Phoenix AZ (August).
- “Fundamentals of Risk Communication: How to Talk to Patients and the Public about Pandemic H1N1,” European Respiratory Society, Vienna, Austria (September).
- “Trust the Public with More of the Truth: What I Learned in 40 Years of Risk Communication” (2009 Berreth Lecture), National Public Health Information Coalition, Miami Beach FL (October).
- “Global Public Health Risk Communication: Lessons from the A(H1N1) Influenza Pandemic” (panel with Richard Besser and Donald McNeil), Mailman School of Public Health and Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York NY (February).
- “Empathic Communication in High-Stress Situations,” OCEO Leadership Development Summit, Deloitte, San Francisco CA (April) and Basking Ridge NJ (May).
- “Hazard, Outrage, and Combined Oral Contraceptive Risk Controversies” (two-day seminar), Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin Germany (August).
- “Building Outrage Management into the Organizational Culture,” Risk Communication Capacity Builders, Victoria Department of Sustainability & Environment, Melbourne Australia (September).
- “Reputation Management in a Crisis,” Board of Directors, Public Affairs Council, Phoenix AZ (October).
- “Risk Communication in Healthcare Settings: Podcast 3: Risk Communication Scenarios – Flu Shots, Hand-Washing, Ceiling Lifts, SARS,“ Provincial Health Services Authority (British Columbia), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (February). (Link launches an MP3.
- “Alerting, Reassuring, and Guiding: Three Toolkits for Public Health Risk Communication” (three-day seminar with Jody Lanard), Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (February/March).
- “Hydrofracking and Related Controversies: An Outrage Management Approach” (one-day seminar), American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC (July).
- “Climate Change Risk Communication: Outrage Management, Not Just Precaution Advocacy,” interview with Stephen Dubner for Freakonomics Radio (July). (Link launches an MP3.
- “Vaccine Risk Communication: Dishonesty Makes Things Worse – Presentation,” panel on “Research Integrity Issues with Vaccines and Public Trust,” Research Integrity Challenges in Vaccine Development and Distribution for Public Health Emergencies, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, Drexel University School of Public Health, and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA (September). (Link launches an MP3.
- “Risk Communication in the Electric Power Industry: Outrage Management and Reputation Management” (two-day seminar), Nova Scotia Power, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (January).
- “Pre-Crisis Communication: Talking about What-Ifs,” Risk & Crisis Communication in Disasters & Emergencies Conference for New Jersey State Officials, Rutgers University Center for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response (UCDPER), West Windsor NJ (March).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage in the Natural Gas Industry: Two-Day Risk Communication Seminar/Workshop” (two-day seminar), Southern California Gas Company, Los Angeles CA (April).
- “Risk Communication and Outrage Management: What Happened to Iron Mining Support in the Pilbara?” (two two-day seminars), Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Perth, Australia and Dampier, Australia (August).
- “Three Paradigms of Finance Industry Risk Communication: Promoting Needed Outrage, Assuaging Mistaken Outrage, and Helping People Bear Appropriate Outrage” (half-day seminar), Information Risk Management, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, New York NY (December).
- “More Spin than Science: Risk Communication about the H5N1 Bioengineering Research Controversy,” conference on “Freedom in Biological Research: How to Consider Accidental or Intentional Risks for Populations,” Fondation Mérieux and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Veyrier-du-lac, France (presented via telephone) (February).
- “Introduction to Risk Communication and Strategies of Outrage Management: Siting a Greenfields Tailings Impoundment” (two-day seminar), Resolution Copper Mining, Gold Canyon AZ (February).
- “Atomic Show #205: Peter Sandman Teaches Nuclear Communicators” (with Rod Adams, Suzanne Hobbes, Meredith Angwin, and Margaret Harding), audio podcast (May).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Outrage in the D-J Basin and Other Gas and Oil Development Controversies” (two-day seminar), EnCana Corporation, Denver CO (July).
- “Communicating Risk: Neglected and Controversial Rules of Thumb,” Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia, Athens GA (October).
- “Resilience Risk Communication,” 2013 Innovation Forum on Building Resilient Cities, Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY (December).
- “Beaufort Sea Oil Exploration: Outrage Management Problems and Strategies” (half-day seminar), Imperial Oil Limited, Calgary Canada (February).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing (and Preventing) Fracking-Related Controversies” (three-day seminar), Exxon Mobil Corporation, Dallas TX (July).
- “Three Risk Communication Toolkits: Alerting, Reassuring, Guiding” (one-day seminar with Jody Lanard), Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Public Participation Australasia, Wellington New Zealand (August).
- “Alerting, Reassuring, and Guiding: Three Paradigms of Risk Communication” (three-day seminar), FIRE UP Coaching and International Association for Public Participation Australasia, Melbourne Australia (September).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Outrage Management for Regulators” (one-day seminar), Australia Competition and Consumer Commission, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and Therapeutic Goods Administration, Canberra Australia (September).
- “Two Risk Communication Toolkits: Alerting and Reassuring” (1-1/2-day seminar), Fire & Emergency Management Division, Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Healesville Australia (September).
- “Managing Coal Seam Gas Outrage” (half-day seminar for top management), AGL, North Sydney Australia (September).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Introduction to Outrage Management” (two one-day seminars), GHD, Sydney and Melbourne Australia (September).
- “Crisis Communication and Outrage Management in the Department of Health: From Ebola Fears to the Hazelwood Fire” (half-day seminar with Jody Lanard), Senior Executive and Chief Health Officer, Victoria Department of Health, Melbourne Australia (September).
- “‘Watch Out!’ – Convincing People to Take Safety Seriously” (keynote address), 13th Annual Alberta Health & Safety Conference and Trade Fair, Edmonton Canada (November).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Outrage and Organizational Reputation” (two-day seminar), GHD, Consult Australia, International Association for Public Participation, and Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia, Sydney Australia (March).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Engagement in Infrastructure Controversies” (two-day seminar), Urban Growth NSW, Sydney Australia (March).
- “Precaution Advocacy and Outrage Management in Biosecurity,” Animals and Marine IDC and Response Directorate, New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industry, Wellington New Zealand (via teleconference) (June).
- “The Role of Outrage Management in the Resolution Stakeholder Relations Path Forward” (one-day seminar plus follow-up meetings), Rio Tinto Resolution, Superior AZ (September).
- “Alerting, Reassuring, and Guiding: Three Paradigms of Risk Communication for Chronic Health Threats, Controversies, and Emergencies” (1-1/2-day seminar with Jody Lanard), World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office Workshop on Risk Communication for International Health Regulations and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, New Delhi, India (October).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Three Paradigms of Risk Communication with a Focus on Outrage Management” (1-1/2-day seminar), New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York NY (November).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Outrage and Organizational Reputation” (two-day seminar), Rio Tinto Aluminium, Montréal, Canada (December).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Outrage and Organizational Reputation When National Gas Exploitation Causes Earthquakes” (three-day seminar), Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, Assen, The Netherlands (January).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Outrage” (1-1/2-day seminar), New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority and Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Network, Sydney, Australia (February).
- “Risk = Hazard + Outrage: Managing Stakeholder Outrage” (three-day seminar), Urban Growth New South Wales and New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment, Sydney, Australia (February).
- “Risk Communication and Reputation Management: Managing Stakeholder Outrage” (1-1/2-day seminar), GHD (in partnership with the International Association for Public Participation Australasia), Sydney, Australia (February).
- “Stakeholder Engagement Meets Outrage Management” (panel discussion with Rob Stokes and Jill Hannaford), GHD, Sydney, Australia (February).
- "Applying Outrage Management Principles to Policy Development,” New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment, Sydney, Australia (February).
- “Risk Communication Workshop: Principles and Strategies Using Zika as a Case Study” (one-day seminar with Sandra Mullin), New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York NY (July).